How to plan your life?
How to plan your life?
The life plan in Indian culture is divided into four stages-- student, a householder, a retired person and monk.
Let us assume that each person lives average for hundred years. The four stages can be divided into an average 25 years each. Now let us see what is expected to be done in each of these 4 stages. Let us discuss:
Student life (brahmcharya aashram)
The first stage of life, this is when we get ready to face the world. Recognising how crucial these formative years are ,our ancient education system focused on giving it child both spiritual as well as worldly knowledge. Our great teachers including Chanakya created a beautiful education system, laying the very foundation of whatt is today the modern society.
So it is important that you get the best education possible. But please remember, the best education does not mean school with flashy infrastructure and high fees. It is the quality of teachers that's most important, for they are the ones who will enable you to plan out your life.
Householders life (grihastha-ashram)
This is a second stage of life where one get married and takes various family responsibilities. Taking care of elders and the children's in the family, earning money, in managing finances ,and doing the job all have to be done simultaneously. So it requires a lot of energy and commitment to be successful at this stage of life.
The key to successful marriage is good life partner, if your spouse is also a good friend, then your journey at this stage will be a lot smoother.
But remember in this stage of life, you must be ready to give more than 100%. Be a committed partner. Look after your elders. Educate your children and prepare them to stand strong in the face of challenges.
Retired (vanaprasrha asshram)
By the time you enter the stage of life, your children will have grown up and probably be married ,shouldering their own responsibilities. This is a time you are a bit and relaxed. Your duty is just to watch them as they make their own choices and spend some quality time with your grandchildren. Please remember that you should provide guidance only when asked for it. Do not try to interference in other's life. It helps to be detached.
In the olden days, many people chose to retreat into a forest and spend their time meditating. Today, we have a choice to go away from their families to spiritual places and lead a life of spirituality.
Monk (sanyasa aashram)
When one enter the stage, one completely cuts off all wordly ties. There is no contact even with family members. One is supposed to become a wandering ascetic.
In most regions of Indian origin, there is an allusion to this stage in one way or another. One takes on monkhood under the guidance of a guru ,and its sole purpose is to realise God.
We can also use the last stage of life for our spiritual development. With no regrets and full-filled desires, one waits for glorious exit from this world.
Try to follow Steven Convey's advice. He said,"Begin with the end in mind". What this means is one should visualise oneself being taken away on their funeral. At the moment when you visualise that, ask yourself-- looking back ,if you could choose, what kind of life would you have wanted to live?
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