
How to plan your life?

  How to plan your life ? The life plan in Indian culture is divided into four stages-- student, a householder, a retired person and monk.  Let us assume that each person lives average for hundred years. The four stages can be divided into an average 25 years each. Now let us see what is expected to be done in each of these 4 stages. Let us discuss: Student life (brahmcharya aashram) The first stage of life, this is when we get ready to face the world. Recognising how crucial these formative years are ,our ancient education system focused on giving it child both spiritual as well as worldly knowledge. Our great teachers including Chanakya created a beautiful education system, laying the very foundation of whatt is today the modern society.  So it is important that you get the best education possible. But please remember, the best education does not mean school with flashy infrastructure and high fees. It is the quality of teachers that's most important, for they are the o...

What Is Hobby ? How to develop your hobby ?

What is hobby and how to develop your hobby. Let's discuss, follow the following steps to find and develop your hobby and to do it regularly. It Is  important Having a hobby in itself is important. It is something we should all develop in our lives. Just as a reading and writing help us in all walks of life ,a hobby too help us develop certain skills required in life.  It is also important to upgrade yourself in your hobby. Suppose your hobby is to play the flute. Do not play the same tune everyday or even after 20 years. This would drain the creativity of the activities so keep improving your hobby listening to new tunes ,learn new dance pieces, whatever your hobby keep learning. It refines you A hobby helps to sharpen the mind but it is only over a period of time that you will be able to appreciate the final aspects of your hobby. Your mind will become more alert and receptive . If reading is a person's hobby, subconsciously the person is bound to start understanding the pat...

What is Self Discipline ? How to get Self Discipline !?

  How to achieve self discipline!? Here are the some tips to become self disciplined, these are as follows:; Have a clear agenda or goal One has to have a clear goal in mind, for starters. If the agenda itself is not there, then we end up feelings purposeless . So it's important to set a goal that your mind can focus on. For example, say ,you need to lose 10 kilos now that you have that aim, draw a plan on how will achieve it --a diet plan and exercise routine etc.. Share it with someone close Make sure you have a friend with whom you share your goals. And then asked the person to help you monitor your progress. It could be your gym instructor , your spouse, your brother, or even a colleague. Make sure these are people you trust because you are essentially asking them to be your partner in achieving goal. They should be given the freedom to correct you without you feeling offended. Try on your own There comes a time when you have to try doing things on your own . Can you ...

What is Meditation : How To Do Meditation?

First of all we have to discuss what is Meditation? Meditation is a very powerful exercise. Many consider it as a process that helps one transcend the limits of thought, but it is also a state of mind. A meditative person is focused, composed, clear and considerate. He knows what to do and what not to do. He also knows when to start and when to stop. Now as a beginner here are the some steps that help you to meditate; Sit quietly The first step in meditation is to sit quietly in one place. Start with 15 minutes a day and slowly over a period of time, make it about half an hour or even one hour . Choose a time slot preferably in the morning and sit down in comfortable place and position. Try not to change the place this will help train your mind to be at the same place and the same time each day. keep all the gadgets and other unnecessary distractions away from you .Do request your family members don't disturb you during that time. Relax and observe your mind Take a few deep breaths...